Wicked, the musical movie adaptation of the beloved Broadway show, takes audiences on a spellbinding journey through the Land of Oz, offering a fresh perspective on the classic tale of “The Wizard of Oz.” Directed by Jon M. Chu, this film brings to life the untold story of the Witches of Oz, with stunning visuals and a captivating soundtrack that has always been one of my favorites!
The film centers around the unlikely friendship between Elphaba, the misunderstood, green-skinned girl who will become the Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda, the bubbly and popular Good Witch. Their relationship is beautifully portrayed by the lead actresses, Ariana Grande (Glinda) and Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba) whose performances add depth and nuance to their characters. The chemistry between them is incomparable, making their journey from friends to adversaries all the more interesting.
One of the standout elements of Wicked is its music. The score, composed by Stephen Schwartz, features memorable songs like “Defying Gravity” and “Popular,” which are brought to life with vibrant choreography, and powerful, raw vocal performances. These musical numbers are not only entertaining but also help portray a deeper emotional impact on the story.
The cinematography and special effects in Wicked are nothing short of spectacular. The world of Oz is rendered in rich detail, from the bustling Emerald City to the dark and mysterious forests. The use of CGI enhances the magical elements of the story without overshadowing the performances. The film’s visual style is both whimsical and dramatic, perfectly capturing the tone of the original musical.
However, the movie is not without its flaws. Some fans of the Broadway show may find that certain scenes or songs have been altered or excluded, which could be disappointing. Additionally, the film’s pacing occasionally feels rushed despite a nearly 3-hour run time, particularly in the second half.
Overall, Wicked is a dazzling and emotionally resonant adaptation that will delight both fans of the musical and newcomers alike. It offers a fresh take on a familiar story, with strong performances, stunning visuals, and unforgettable music. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the Broadway show or experiencing Wicked for the first time, this movie is sure to cast a spell on you!
Wicked is still currently playing in theaters and is available to own or rent through most on-demand platforms such as Amazon Prime and AppleTV.