Until last year at West Branch, the halls were blank and few paintings or colors were present. The murals and paintings that were on the walls were all done as part of senior projects that are no longer required for graduation. Without senior projects to fill them, many walls were blank and boring. In the previous 2017-2018 school year, Student Government members and adviser, Mrs. Hanslovan, decided that paintings and inspirational quotes should be displayed throughout the building. Last year, three paintings were created by eager and artsy Student Government members. As for this year, members and Mrs. Hanslovan decided that more art should be added. Plans are in place to do four or five more this year.
Student Government members, Trinity Prestash, Taylor Myers, Morgan Emigh, Quentin Maguire and Emma Morlock began their inspirational painting in the stairwell this past week. They, along with other painting groups, have started sketching the design and layout of the art. Shannae Fetterolf, Carolyn Folmar and Dylanee Bell also began their sun painting in the second floor. Work on the 2019 senior class mural also began in the downstairs hall of the new wing. Different inspiring messages and colorful art designs will be created in every painting.
Student government wishes to make the school environment better by creating colorful artwork. Eventually the club wishes to have the halls of WB filled with bright colors that will make the school look more inviting and less like a prison.

Trinity Prestash works with senior Morgan Emigh in the stairwell.