Paying for car insurance, gas, college, and cell phones are some of the reasons that students decide to look for a job during high school. I interviewed four students about their roles in their workplace. Let’s take a road trip.
The first stop is McDonald’s. Junior Olivia Blasko has been working at McDonald’s since July 28th of 2020. She is a shift manager. You can usually find her in the drive-thru. Some of her responsibilities include covering shifts and training new crew members. She says “My favorite would have to be the amazing co-workers I have and the regulars who always make me laugh.” She decided to apply for the job because it would be fast-paced and the day would go by fast.

The second stop is Key Largo’s. Senior Mercedes Nearhood has been working at Key Largo’s since last September. She says “I have many responsibilities such as taking call-in orders, washing dishes, bussing tables, serving drinks, and working the cash register.” One of her least favorite things about the job is how the customers can be mean sometimes. She said the reason she applied for this job was that “It was close to home and had flexible hours.”

The third stop is the Mountainview Marketplace. Junior Adriyanna Dale started working at the Mountainview Marketplace on Monday, August 24th. She says “I work as a cashier and I stock shelves.” Her least favorite thing about her job is working with the public and how some people can be nice and others rude. She says “Honestly, I applied for this job because I need money to buy a car, pay off my phone, and save up for college.”
The fourth and final stop is Poppy’s. Junior Katlyn Folmar started working at Poppy’s in August. There you can find her scooping ice cream and sometimes making sundaes. Her favorite thing about her job is when little kids come in and when her friends come to see her. Her least favorite thing about her job is “the crazy people of Philipsburg, and when people want sprinkles, they make a mess.”

Job experience during high school gives students an opportunity to see what it’s like to juggle school, work, and a job and helps them prepare themselves for the future.