As we approach the end of the year more and more schools are closing down due to the increased numbers of Covid-19 in our area. As of December 8th, Clearfield county has had 2,222 cases and 22 deaths.
On Saturday, November 14th 2020, West Branch High School and Middle School were notified that the school would be closed down for the second time in 2020. This shutdown was originally only supposed to last until Wednesday, December 2nd but was extended to Monday, December 7th. Students here at West Branch transitioned to remote learning during the shutdown. This means all students in the Middle and High school logged into each class at the scheduled time for live instruction on Google Meet during that time.
Philipsburg-Osceola High School was also closed due to high Covid-19 cases. PO went back to face-to-face instruction as of December 2nd. In addition, Clearfield Junior and Senior High School closed down on November 16th and had their first virtual instruction day on Wednesday, November 18th. They remained closed until December 2nd as well.
At the moment these schools are all back to in-person learning, but it is unknown how long this will last due to the increased positive cases in both Clearfield and Centre Counties.