From March 14th to November 7th, we enter a time period known as Daylight Savings Time, which includes turning clocks back an hour. Most people wonder why we do this and if it is worth it. I think we should not continue to use Daylight Savings Time for three reasons.
One reason is that in 1974, Congress ordered a one-year “Daylight Savings Time” to save energy, but the plan didn’t actually save energy. Saving energy is important, but we should focus on solutions that actually work.
Some people think that farmers wanted Daylight Savings Time to have more daylight hours to gather crops and feed animals, though farmers say they don’t need it. If it doesn’t help farmers, then it’s not worth the change.
Earlier, in 1895, a scientist by the name of Hudson wanted Daylight Savings Time so he would have more daylight to hunt. Currently, hunters are only allowed to start hunting when the sun rises, so the change in time doesn’t make a difference to them.
Since then, the government has continually flip-flopped on the idea, changing the times in 1987 and 2007. Currently, many people like me want to get rid of Daylight Savings Time. Some people want to continue the tradition because it allows more daylight in the winter evening hours to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Nonetheless, there are cons that outweigh any pros. In addition to not actually saving energy, it is difficult for the human body to disrupt the sleep schedule, especially for kids.
Are you down with daylight savings time? It’s not so bad in the fall when we “fall back” and get one extra hour of sleep, but it’s no fun when we “spring ahead” and lose an hour of sleep, leaving everyone tired and confused. I suggest you support getting rid of Daylight Savings Time for a more consistent and healthy schedule.