If you like to read romance novels, Maybe Someday is a great book. Maybe Someday is the first book in its three-book series, written by Colleen Hoover. Maybe Someday is a split narrative book that goes back and forth between the two main characters named Ridge and Sydney. Sydney is just a regular girl in college living with her best friend/roommate and has a boyfriend named Hunter. Ridge is deaf and is in a band. He plays guitar and lives in a four-bedroom apartment with his best friends, Warren and Brigette. He also has a girlfriend named Maggie.
At the story’s beginning, Ridge is outside on his balcony playing his guitar. He is dealing with writer’s block and can’t get past it. He sees that Sydney is sitting on her balcony, enjoying his playing and she also seems to be singing along. This happens almost every day for many weeks. He then asks for her phone number and begins to talk about song lyrics. Ridge then finds out that Sydney’s best friend and her boyfriend are cheating on Sydney together, and when Sydney’s birthday comes, he tells her about them. Sydney is distraught and Ridge invites her to stay with him in his apartment. Ridge and Sydney then start writing songs together. All seems well, but as Sydney is trying to get over Hunter she begins to fall in love with Ridge and the same goes for Ridge. Since Ridge is deaf and Sydney doesn’t know sign language, they have to communicate their feelings over FaceBook Messenger on their laptops. This is an issue because Ridge is in a very long relationship with who he thought was his soulmate, Maggie. Ridge and Syndey struggle to stay just friends throughout the book. They throw a birthday party for Warren at their apartment, where Syndey finally means Ridge’s brother Breanan, and Maggie comes home. Maggie and Sydney get along and get black-out drunk together. That night, Ridge tells Sydney to move out. Sydney gets up in the middle of the night and goes to the bathroom. There, she finds Maggie passed out on the ground and she is rushed to the E.R. The next day, Ridge mistakingly leaves his computer at the hospital with Maggie and he goes home to say goodbye to Sydney as well as get some stuff to stay at Maggie’s. While Ridge and Sydney have a heartfelt goodbye, Maggie is at the hospital reading Ridge and Sydney’s messages. While Ridge is gathering things up, Sydney and him each get a message from Maggie. Maggie then comes home and returns the laptop, breaking up with Ridge. Sydney then moves out and Ridge spends weeks thinking about Maggie and Sydney. Warren gets Sydney to go out to the bar, and playing there that night was Ridge. Ridge had this plan and started singing the song he and Sydney made together. Sydney finally agrees to get into a relationship with Ridge. Cheyanne Bush, another student who read this book, stated, “I liked the plot of the book and it had a really good ending.” I think this is a really good read and highly recommend Maybe Someday.