Warrior Watch’s Team of the Week for the week ending on 2/17 /19 is West Branch’s Special Olympics Bocce Ball Team. This is West Branch’s second season of Bocce Ball. Bocce is a Special Olympic sport that is comprised of both students with special needs and students without disabilities. Bocce provides students with special needs an opportunity to interact socially, develop physically, and gain self-confidence.
The Following are the Bocce Ball Athletes:
Senior, Esther Guerra
Senior, Kiersten Hampton
Junior, Trevor Jones
Sophomore, Denver McGuire
The Following are the Coaches for the Bocce Ball Team:
Ms. Erin Johnson
Mr. Chad Koleno
The Following are the partners for the Bocce Ball Team:
Sophomore, Emma Morlock
Sophomore, Taylor Myers
Sophomore, Hayes Jones
Sophomore, Elijah Williams
Photo credit: Krista Williams