As we grow up, students gain new experiences and privileges, one of the most exciting being driving. Follow along as student drivers share some of their tales on the road and provide insight into car ride adventures! Driving, especially in a rural area, can bring cautions other places may not have to deal with, so make sure to understand the risks.
Around 229,800 children between 13-19 years old were killed or injured in car accidents in 2020. The primary causes of teenage driving risks are distractions, inexperience, unsafe driving, intoxication, and other risky behaviors. (CDC, 2022) As many students approach driving age or are already there, the statistics should serve as reasons to be cautious. Teens are more at risk for involvement in fatal car wrecks than any other age group. (Teen Driver Source, 2022)
Despite the poor statistics, teen drivers and the people teaching them how to drive can help prevent fatalities. Student drivers who are well-experienced, safe, and cautious can help beat the odds. Luckily, West Branch offers Driver’s Education. Taught by Mr. Learish and Mr. Matson, the course provides proper driving lessons to all students and even the option to take the driver’s test within the program. Learning from familiar faces is a great opportunity. The resources are out there to better yourself as a driver, but mistakes will still happen sometimes.
Here are some instances when student drivers were scared or unsafe behind the wheel:
“One time, I was driving in Philipsburg and pulled into the parking lot across from the YMCA, and one of the logs they have was pulled out in the middle of the entrance. I wasn’t able to see it because my car is raised, and the parking lot is somewhat downhill. I ended up slamming my front bumper into it, and my left fog light fell out. The worst part was a group of guys watching it all from the dog park across the street. Wrecking is stressful enough, but having people to stand by and watch is much more nerve wracking.” -Anonymous.
“I was driving home at night time and out of no where this big deer came and smashed into my rear view window and then slid all the way down my car. So now I have no rear view window on my car and have been waiting to get it fixed for months.” -Emmie Parks.
“I was driving down a back road at night, and a tree broke the tree line. I didn’t swerve away from it and ended up hitting the head of the dear. It smashed my headlight and damaged the body. Since then, I’ve definitely been driving more cautiously; it’s scary.” -Noah Ryder.
“My buddy and I rolled his truck on Route 53 on the way home from school one time because the roads were wet, and his tires were balding at the time. It was a scary situation, but I’m glad we were okay.” -Kaleb Sallurday.
“I was on my way to a volleyball tournament in Windbur, PA, and it was pouring down raining. I made it to Duncansville when my check engine light, EPC, and traction control lights came on out of nowhere. Then when I put my foot on the gas, my car would not accelerate and would shake, my car also would not go over 50 mph when I would try to accelerate.” -Katrina Cowder.
Although some of these tales from our student drivers are funny, embarrassing, and thrilling, be mindful not to create any of your own stories about car accidents the next time you get behind the wheel.