Last year, West Branch introduced a new club, the E-sports club. The E-sports team has 15 players as of right now, but 5 of these players are subs. This means that these 5 players are used when one of the other players is unable to play. E-sports practices take place Tuesday through Friday, starting at 3 PM and ending at 5 PM. Every player attends practices when they can. They mostly play on computers, but they are allowed to use controllers, as well as other consoles that are provided for them. Each player has a custom username as long as it follows their guidelines. The team is split up into two different sections: the D1 and D2 teams. These two sections are deciphered by the skill level of players. The team captain of the D1 team is Zacharia Robinson. He was first asked what his responsibilities were as the team captain. The responsibilities he holds are deciding what role each player has during a match and strategizing how the match will go. Next, he was asked for some areas his team had to work on. Zack stated, “Our team has flaws as any other team would, and my focus is put on making our coordination and communication skills stronger in matches, expanding our mechanical knowledge of the game controls, along with keeping my team and me in the right mindset.” The last question he was asked is how does his team work so well together. He replied, “Each of my players all have advantages along with disadvantages, but all of these qualities good and bad come together to complete the team. For example, Joseph Kovalcin having the skills at the game and being the glue of the team, Dakota Leinbach being a good player, even if he makes risky decisions sometimes, and finally Hayden Martin with skills of understanding information about the game.” Zack believes that with his team, they might go undefeated this year. Thanks to Zack, the team has been undefeated so far and has potential to continue this for the rest of the year.
More on our Esports program.
January 3, 2024

2022 E-Sports team posing for a photo taken by the schools principal.
Image/Graphics by Brandy O’Hare
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